• It
  • En

REMOTE ARMONIE [Remote Harmonies]

by Matteo Nasini
21 January – 29 May 2021


With a view to continuing along the virtuous path pursued by das - dialoghi artistici sperimentali (experimental artistic dialogues), the exhibition focusing on artistic and cultural dialogue on contemporary themes that has now reached its fourth edition, CUBO presents the first Bologna exhibition by Matteo Nasini, curated by Treti Galaxie ​(Ramona Ponzani and Matteo Mottin).

From January to May, a calendar of online appointments will infurl both the exhibition project and tap into its main subjects, opening up an artistic dialogue that also involves multidisciplinary contamination. The events of the Public Program are curated by Federica Patti.​​​

While observing the starry sky on a clear night, fascinated by that distant spectacle, of the many questions that this sight can naturally bring about, have you ever wondered what kind of music could generate the movement of the stars? 

Spazio Arte answers this question by presenting Matteo Nasini's unprecedented artistic project in which the artist displays a new series of works inspired by the possibility of translating the movement of the Milky Way's stars into sound, an engaging path that looks to the sky in search of answers to ancestral questions and aims to be a driving force for the evolution of human thought.
Broaching the theme of Musica Universalis, which originally regarded planet Earth as the unmoving centre of the entire universe, the whole project seeks to subvert its anthropocentrism and emphasise the isolation of our planet from the rest of the galaxy in the hope that the polyphonies generated by his investigation of space can make humanity aware of the arbitrariness of all the divisions that generate conflict, producing a feeling of universal community and revealing how the whole of humanity is ultimately united on its journey into the unknown.

The exhibition proposes a selection of works obtained from some of the many artistic applications and translations of the results of the algorithm: Mangiastelle assiale, a large handmade tapestrySidereo, a sound sculpture produced partly by hand and partly with numerically controlled machines and its calligraphic transcription, and Transtamburo, a sculptural group in ceramic with 3D printing. Works which employ techniques and materials used since ancient times, but implemented through the latest contemporary technologies, realisations of distant unexpressed possibilities. 

  • Mangiastelle assiale, 2021, wool, fabric, courtesy of the artist, ph. Francesco Demichelis​

The diverse subject matter of the project entitled Remote Armonie were presented to the general public in narrative form through an audio-drama, Il Canto degli Erranti. L'Epilogo - [The Wanderer's Song. Epilogue] ​MAIN PROJECT ARTCITY 2021​.
A fantastic “translation" of the scientific and technological complexity of the exhibition blueprint.

The astral audio drama in 4 parts, written and directed by Matteo Mottin and Matteo Nasini, who has curated its soundtrack. Performed by Irene Timpanaro and Marco De Francesca.

"In a world where technology seems to be extinct, partial discoveries of an alleged machine capable of sounding the stars arouse a stir, triggering research and new emblematic questions"

25 January - Siderino and the mysterious discovery

22 February - Siderino's journey and its pitfalls

15 March - ​​Interlude.

12 April - ​Revelations.

08 May - Epilogue.​

The audio drama is available only in Italian language.

Taking into account the current COVID-19 health emergency, CUBO has chosen a display system that can guarantee the maximum protection for the health of spectators and exhibition staff while simultaneously allowing the exhibited works to be thoroughly enjoyed. Without entering, spectators can enjoy the exhibition from the large window overlooking the hanging gardens of the Unipol Group headquarters in Porta Europa, and the sound component of the work can be listened to through the CUBO APP, a multimedia application created specially that extends the project's reach and allows you to intuitively and autonomously broaden the exhibition content. 

It can be found in the ​​​Apple Store  and on Google Play.

At the end of the exhibition the contents can be viewed on Mediarte an interactive application on the multimedia tables of the Mediateca containing the archive of the exhibitions held in the CUBO exhibition spaces.  ​


Monday 14:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 23:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 20:00
Thursday 09:30 
Friday 09:30 - 20:00
Saturday 09:30 - 14:30
Sunday closed​


CUBO at Porta Europa - Spazio Arte, Piazza Vieira de Mello 3, Bologna​​​


The diverse subject matter of the project entitled Remote Armonie were presented to the general public in narrative form through an audio-drama, Il Canto degli Erranti. L'Epilogo - [The Wanderer's Song. Epilogue] ​MAIN PROJECT ARTCITY 2021​.
A fantastic “translation" of the scientific and technological complexity of the exhibition blueprint.

The astral audio drama in 4 parts, written and directed by Matteo Mottin and Matteo Nasini, who has curated its soundtrack. Performed by Irene Timpanaro and Marco De Francesca.

"In a world where technology seems to be extinct, partial discoveries of an alleged machine capable of sounding the stars arouse a stir, triggering research and new emblematic questions"

25 January - Siderino and the mysterious discovery

22 February - Siderino's journey and its pitfalls

15 March - ​​Interlude.

12 April - ​Revelations.

08 May - Epilogue.​

The audio drama is available only in Italian language.


CUBO in Porta Europa
Piazza Vieira de Mello, 3 e 5
40128 Bologna

CUBO in Torre Unipol
Via Larga, 8
40138 Bologna

Opening time
  • Monday14:00 - 19:00
  • Tuesday09:30 - 23:30
  • Wednesday09:30 - 20:00
  • Thursday09:30 - 20:00
  • Friday09:30 - 20:00
  • Saturday09:30 - 14:30
  • SundayClosed

Tel. (+39) 051 507 6060

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